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Statement by India during the thematic debate on ‘Other Weapons of Mass Destruction’ at the FC 78 UNGA, October 2023

Mr. Chairman,

Terrorism is a major challenge to international security. It endangers the foundation of democratic societies.

India is deeply concerned about the risks arising from WMDs falling into the hands of terrorists and non-state actors.

Mr. Chairman,

India has a comprehensive domestic legislative framework for preventing proliferation of WMDs and their delivery systems.

India has a robust and effective national export control system including a control list of sensitive material, equipment and technologies consistent with highest international standards.

In 2022, India amended the relevant Act to include prohibition of financing of any prohibited activity and enable measures to prevent such financing relating to WMDs and their delivery systems. 

Mr. Chairman,

India believes that the renewed mandate of the 1540 Committee would assist member states in enhancing their implementation of the resolution, and in more effectively addressing the contemporary and evolving challenges related to proliferation.

India contributes to global non-proliferation efforts as a member of the export control regimes including the MTCR, Wassenaar and the Australia Group.

India is also the Plenary Chair of the Wassenaar Arrangement for the year 2023

Mr. Chairman,

India attaches importance to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and supports its full, effective and non-discriminatory implementation. India firmly believes that the use of chemical weapons cannot be justified.

India welcomes the complete destruction of declared stockpiles of chemical weapons under OPCW verification in July this year.

The impartiality and integrity of OPCW, we believe, must be preserved and maintained under all circumstances.

Despite not being able to produce a consensus outcome in the CWC Review Conference this year, the Conference succeeded in undertaking a comprehensive review. We urge States Parties to work together on proposals on which consensus was achieved during the Review Conference, including on adapting the verification and inspection regime, improving geographical representation and external engagement among others.

Mr. Chairman,

India reiterates the high importance to full and effective implementation of Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).

India reiterates its call for negotiation of a comprehensive and legally binding Protocol, providing for an effective, universal and non-discriminatory verification mechanism.

We believe that the convention must be further institutionally strengthened, particularly through the establishment of mechanisms to review developments of science and technology and to promote international cooperation.

The financial health of the Convention must be placed on a sustainable footing by ensuring both stability and predictability of resources.

Mr. Chairman,

India has been tabling the Resolution at UNGA titled "Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring WMDs" which highlights the dangers of the proliferation of WMDs and the potential of their exploitation by terrorists and non-state actors. The resolution urges Member States to support international efforts and to strengthen national measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring WMDs.

India is very pleased that the resolution was adopted without a vote last year and received the support of around 90 sponsors and cosponsors. India requests the continued support of all Member States as sponsors and co-sponsors towards this resolution and for its continued adoption by consensus. 

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