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India’s Explanation of Vote (POST-VOTING): Conventional Weapons Cluster, 78th UNGA First Committee, UNHQ, New York, October 2023

India’s Explanation of Vote (POST-VOTING)
Conventional Weapons Cluster
78th UNGA First Committee, UNHQ, New York, October 2023

L.56 – Resolution on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems


Thank you,

I would like to explain our vote on “L.56 – Resolution on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems.”

India believes that the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) is the appropriate forum to discuss issues relating to lethal autonomous weapons systems with a view to striking a balance between military necessity and humanitarian imperatives.

A substantial body of work has been done and continues to be done by the Group of Governmental Experts of the CCW on Emerging Technologies in the area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems. This work needs to be built upon in the direction of developing common understandings, particularly on definitions and on the characterization of lethal autonomous weapons systems. Broadening the scope of possible understandings at this stage, beyond emerging technologies in the area of lethal autonomous weapons with emphasis on lethal, including by referencing concepts on which there is no agreement, let alone consensus, such as regional stability, will not help the process.

Parallel mandates and processes on lethal autonomous weapons systems also amount to a duplication of efforts and resources.

India has therefore voted against the resolution.

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