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Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons
Home    >   Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons   >  Statement by Ambassador Pankaj Sharma during the General Exchange of Views at the Plenary of the Fifth Review Conference of the CCW, December 13, 2021 (Abridged version)

Statement by Ambassador Pankaj Sharma during the General Exchange of Views at the Plenary of the Fifth Review Conference of the CCW, December 13, 2021 (Abridged version)

Mr. President

India congratulates you on your assumption of the Presidency of the Sixth Review Conference of the CCW, especially coming fromFrance,  a country with which India enjoys warm bilateral relations. India congratulates all the Bureau Members on their election. We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to the distinguished members of the ISU, Conference Services and our interpreters. My delegation assures you of its full cooperation and support in steering our deliberations to a successful outcome.

Mr. President

2.      Amidst an environment of global security tensions, it is important to strengthen our shared commitment to disarmament instruments including the CCW.The CCW’s unique structure allows flexibility in dealing with emerging developments in armed conflicts and weapons technologies. As an important instrument of International Humanitarian Law, the Convention strikes a fine balance between humanitarian concerns and military necessity.

Mr. President

3.      India is fully committed to the CCW and the humanitarian principles enshrined in the Convention and is a party to all the five protocols of the CCW. India has undertaken requisite measures to ensure implementation of its obligations under the CCW and its Protocols. India submits its Annual Reports under the Convention on time. India strongly believes that the universalization of the Convention is critical for its full and effective implementation. Furthermore, given the critical state of finances of the Convention, India calls on all States Parties to make their financial contributions in full and on time. A predictable and sustainable financial arrangement for the Convention will also strengthen the ISU to carry out its work effectively.

Mr. President

4.      The intersessional period of the CCW has contributed to strengthening of the Convention and its annexed Protocols, including the Amended Protocol-II and Protocol-V. India has actively participated in all the CCW meetings, including meetings of the experts as well as that of the GGE on emerging technologies in the area of LAWS. India had the honour of chairing the first GGE on LAWS during 2017-18.

5.      India  hasfulfilled all its obligations under the Amended Protocol II related, inter-alia, to the non-production of non-detectable mines as well as rendering all  anti-personnel mines detectable. India supports the vision of a world free from the threat of landmines. India believes that the Amended Protocol-II is the appropriate framework for discussions on IEDs. Having been affected by the menace of the use of IEDs by armed non-State actors, India accords high priority to IED threat mitigation and victim assistance, and is ready to share best practices with fellow States. India supports the adoption of a declaration on IEDs at this Review Conference.

6.      India, an initial signatory to Protocol V in 2005, is cognizant of the grave humanitarian concerns posed by the explosive remnants of war (ERWs) and is fully committed to international cooperation and assistance in the framework of Protocol V. 

7.      India supports the continued discussions on LAWS in the framework of the CCW. We look forward to a renewed mandate of the GGE to carry forward the hard work conducted over the last eight years and make substantive progress.

Mr. President

8.      India looks forward to  constructivelyparticipating in the Review Conference under your able leadership and guidance.

9.      We wish the Conference all success.

10.    The full version of this Statement will be made available on the CCW portal.

Thank you.

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